Our mission is to provide services to improve & protect the Health of Warren County Citizens
Warren County citizens, these services are available to you! To take advantage assistance you need, Contact Us.
Qualifying individuals are encouraged to take advantage of our clinics.
Health Education
Health Education translates and communicates health information in ways that are easy to understand and made available to all people
Environmental Health
Environmental Health promotes and protects public health through mandated inspections and the enforcement of local and state public health laws and regulations.
Home Health
Patients learn to do as much as possible themselves- how to get well and stay well at home. In-home care is personalized to meet individual’s needs.
Exerstyle is a program designed to offer a variety of safe, effective aerobic exercises to help you take a positive step toward a happier, healthier you.
Women, Infants, Children
WIC serves Pregnant and Postpartum women who are breastfeeding and non-breastfeeding, infants from birth-1 year, and children up to age 5.