Women, Infants, Children

WIC income eligibility guidelines

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WIC serves Pregnant and Postpartum women who are breastfeeding and non-breastfeeding, infants from birth-1 year, and children up to age 5.  WIC provides nutritional guidance and breastfeeding support.

Women– Pregnant, Breastfeeding, and Postpartum
Infants– Birth to 12 Months
Children– 1 to 5 years old

Warren County WIC Provides:

WIC Guidelines

WIC is available to pregnant, breastfeeding and postpartum women, infants and children up to age five. To participate, these persons must:

  • Live in North Carolina.

  • Have a family income less than 185% of the U.S. Poverty Income Guidelines. A person receiving Medicaid, Work First Families Assistance (TANF), or assistance from the NC Food and Nutrition Services automatically meets the income eligibility requirement.

    Income Eligibility Chart

  • Be at nutritional risk. A nutritionist or other health professional makes the nutritional risk assessment at no cost to the participant, usually at the local WIC office.

For more information on eligibility guidelines, please call our office, or visit this link:  https://www.ncdhhs.gov/ncwic/mywic

What Happens at a WIC Visit?

  • When you arrive, a staff member will greet you and confirm your appointment.

  • Staff will verify your proof of identity, proof of residency, and income information for the past 30 days.

  • Depending on your appointment type, you may be required to go through height, weight and a blood test (which tests for iron deficiency). This information can be brought in from your doctor’s office if done within the last 60 days.

  • You will speak with one of the Nutritionists and answer questions about your health history and current health status. Any nutrition problems or questions you have will be discussed with the Nutritionist.

  • Staff will review your information to see if you are eligible for WIC.

  • If eligible, you will be given an eWIC card to take to the store to get your food. Please visit https://www.ncdhhs.gov/ncwic/eWIC/ to learn more about the eWIC program.

How Do I Apply?

  • Call the Warren County Health Department WIC Office for an appointment. (252) 257-2116

  • Prepare for your visit by bringing the following:

    • Identification for the WIC participant and the parent/caretaker (such as valid driver’s license, Social Security Card, current work/school ID, Medicaid card, current military ID, birth certificate, immunization record, health record).

    • Proof of where you live (such as a recent water, electric, cable, gas or telephone bill, or current rental or mortgage agreement).

    • Proof of income for all household members (such as Medicaid Card, Work First Eligibility, letter of Food Stamp certification, paycheck stub or tax return for self-employed).

    • Immunization Records for all infants and children 

  • Keep your appointment! If you have a problem and cannot make your appointment, please call to reschedule. (252) 257-2116

Additional Resources:






To comment or provide feedback on the eWIC program or any other WIC offering, please contact us at (252) 257-2116.  For additional information on the WIC program, please visit the NC Division of Public Health website:  Click here

Nondiscrimination Statement:  Click Here